Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Sunshine 2.15.12

It's been over a year since I last posted--I'm not complaining. Someone commented that I may have beaten the funk and he is very near the truth. You see, a lot can happen in a year that helps you to see what you've been missing or what's been dragging you down. Sometimes, if you find that thing, you have to do something about it.

So I did.

I found that thing, rooted it out, climbed a few mountains (literally and metaphorically), made immense changes, and finally found my Sunshine. Now, this Sunshine is not the big ball of burning gas that our planet circles each year--though, the mild winter this year sure has helped. My Sunshine represents balance, peace, and harmony with myself. I didn't realize how vital my Sunshine was to my life until I found it. But now that it's back, I will never let go.

Don't be deceived, however, that I have sworn off the funk for good. Every now and again it makes a terrifying reappearance. Still, my average, everyday, normal feeling is pure happiness. So maybe the next time that funk monster makes a visit I'll rant a little more about the weather. For now, I'm content to focus on the classes I'm not "slunking."

Basking in my Sunshine,

p.s. Why are bagels EVERYWHERE right now? Hmm. Contemplation begins. . . .

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Trick 1.27.11

Sometimes, the weather has a way of playing nasty games with my mentality. Looking out the window on a Monday morning and seeing gray clouds outside my window doesn't exactly make me happy inside, but that feeling is multiplied by 187452872490 times when half an hour later my roommate runs inside complaining of heavy snow. Now, snow by itself isn't really that awful. It covers everything in white and sparkles on the ground like pixie dust that Tinkerbell had the misfortune of losing. It's more the dark skies and bleak forecasts that can take my mood from sunk to funk in a relatively short period of time.

And then there are days like today. There isn't a cloud in the brilliantly blue sky! The sun is showing its much missed face, brightening up every corner of my world. Granted, the temperature is still on the nippy side and there are snow piles which have turned to melting ice blocks all over parking lots and sidewalks, but how can I complain when the world is such a beautiful place again! Did I mention the high today is 41 degrees? That's practically balmy! Really, winter is looking better all the time.

The one thing I'm dreading next week is the awful folklore tradition of Groundhog day. WHY WOULD ANYONE LET A GROUNDHOG PREDICT THE WEATHER!?!? I mean, really! What possible knowledge of meteorology could a rodent the size of a small dog have? And if the shadow of the groundhog is supposed to be the indicator, can't we just give the animal a little shade to make sure there IS no shadow? As much as I'm coming to enjoy the blue skies and melting snow of this mild winter, I don't know if I could handle another six weeks of it just because an overgrown brown squirrel who lives underground gets scared. Maybe if everyone ignores the mammal then spring will come sooner all on its own. Wouldn't that be nice? Better yet, we could invent a new tradition for February 2nd. What if we had a goldfish swim in a glass bowl: If he swims in three counter-clockwise circles in a row, then that means spring will come three weeks after the first bird home from Italy sings a three note song in the middle of a mountain pass somewhere in Switzerland. That could work, right?

Okay. Maybe not. I'm just ready for spring. I suppose it'll come on its own whether the groundhog says so or not. Silly groundhog! Weather is for goldfish!
Enjoying the sunshine,

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year Weather-lutions 1.7.11

I know I haven't written in quite a while, but it isn't for lack of trying. Before I add my most recent funk thoughts, here are a few fragments of entries that were never posted:

When the Sun Shines Through 10.29.10
The beauty of October is that it is still considered Fall. Despite the Autumn cold snaps there are still beautiful, sunny, warm days that make the world a happy place again. Not to mention they put me in a much better mood. Take today for example. The high was a perfect 68 degrees, blue skies, sun a-shining, with no clouds for miles. Now that is my kind of day! I even wore flip-flops for the first time in quite a while.

Blustery Weather 11.17.10
Have you ever felt as if the wind was literally about to blow you off your feet? You know, the way all of the nannies are blown away in Mary Poppins just before Poppins shows up for the first time to respond to the wanted add? Or the way in commercials when a man has to hold onto a telephone pole to keep from skidding across the pavement a few hundred yards before hitting a building? I've only felt like that a few times, even coming from Florida and experiencing more than a few hurricanes, and one of those times was this afternoon.

Sometimes I'm amazed at the power the wind is able to muster--not to mention the mess it makes. The same wind that is sometimes a gentle summer breeze suddenly turns into a jet blast of cold air from somewhere beyond the mountains in the winter months. On days like today, no matter how many layers you wear, no matter how hard you try to avoid the piercing drafts, you will not escape the wind. It blows up left over fall leaves and spins them in devilish whirlwinds. It casts minuscule flecks of dirt and debris from who knows where into your eyes that make them water in pain. It plasters plastic, paper, clothing, and whatever else might happen to be around, to your body if it stands between you and the wind. And I promise it will blow your hair in every which way possible, causing horrible knots and tangles.

And now we may return to the present tense (January 2011). I had some interesting and rather unfortunately inconvenient experiences over the Christmas break causing serious travel delay problems for myself and my loved ones. Let's just say the East Coast isn't free of its own weather catastrophes every now and again. But we are in a new year, which means turning over a new leaf! Or at least it should. If I had the inclination, I might resolve to love the weather no matter the season, or perhaps I might try to turn my view around and love the snow and ice while learning to detest sunshine (HA! Never). . . Too bad I don't have the inclination.

So here I am, still working on the funk, though it seems to be hitting less frequently; that or I've just been so busy and preoccupied recently that I haven't had time to notice it. Either way, the entrance into a new year seems to have brought me better feelings all on its own. Maybe this odd year won't be so awful after all!
Missing my sunshine,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Embracing the Cold 11.13.10

Something I've been learning over the past few frigid weeks is that you have to think like a polar bear. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but hear me out. A polar bear is completely content in its environment. It roams the frozen tundra of the Arctic circle and swims through the icy waters of the ocean to find its food, sometimes miles away. The best part about the polar bear is its adaptation. Did you know that the polar bear actually evolved from the brown bear? Go figure! The polar bear was actually a product of natural selection during a period of isolation in a colder environment. Did you get that? The polar bear came about because it had to deal with the cold! So why can't I do that? All I have to do is gain 500 pounds, grow white fur instead of brown hair, and play in the snow all day long, right? Or maybe I should just put on my white winter jacket and furry boots, and then attempt to change my feelings toward the snow by trying not to completely detest it; that might work better. But if a brown bear can do it, I certainly can (Just don't mention how many brown bears probably died in the process of becoming polar bears, okay?).

We are moving right along into November and that means I want to get out of bed less and less in the mornings because of how cold my apartment is. Of course, having the heater not cooperate does cause some issues too. Maybe when it actually turns on I will feel better about being awake in the morning. Then again, there really isn't much better in this world than waking up in a soft warm bed and knowing you don't have to get up right away, so maybe I won't complain too much. I guess there could maybe, possibly, conceivably, perhaps, be some good things about winter; but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I really am working on embracing the cold weather and everything that comes with it. So far I've got Christmas and hot chocolate. Holiday food should probably get thrown into that mix. Come to think of it, maybe it wouldn't be so hard to gain 500 pounds in the winter after all. Polar bears know what they're doing. I bet all the coca-cola they drink helps put on that weight too...
Trying to deal without sunshine,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October Snow 10.27.10

Did I mention it started snowing on my way home yesterday? At the time it was just a few flurries that were gracefully smacking me in the face. But I was horrified to discover what lay outside my front door this morning. A white blanket of snow covering every inch of grass, tree branches, car hoods, and people as it melted and dripped onto everyone that had the misfortune of walking to school in the nasty weather. Did someone forget to tell Jack Frost he isn't allowed to play his little games until after October?

With the lovely haphazard weather changes comes another unfortunate side effect: the common cold. You know, the one that makes you just sick enough to be annoying but not sick enough to actually keep you from doing everything? You cough, sneeze, feel fatigued, and still can't justify staying in bed all day, wishing you were either not sick at all or at least had a fever. Unfortunately, it seems that however hard you might try to avoid contracting this most inconvenient of illnesses, there is no hope.You will get sick whether it comes from the girl sitting next to you in your Music class or the guy in front of you in line at the book store. You take Airborne (which my mother claims "does absolutely nothing," but has still saved my life on multiple occasions), drink orange juice, eat soup, and sleep more, just to realize that when you actually get sick you will be doing all of those things anyway; you'll just feel a lot worse. I am one of those unlucky ones, compounding my dislike for cold weather and the Funk, which now is even more of an issue since I really want to do everything and nothing at the same time. Not to worry. I'll probably live through this cold in the same way I've lived through all the rest. Maybe I'll just sleep until the Sun decides to warm things up again . . .
Wishing for sunshine,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When the Funk Begins 10.26.10

I am a sunshine girl. There is absolutely no other way around it. I have often said that if I were a flower I would be a sunflower because I thrive on sunshine. Last night I was told that I actually have photosynthetic processes, and I honestly believe that's true. I live because of the sun.

Winter is my enemy. Do you know what happens in the winter when the Earth conveniently tilts on its axis and causes the Northern hemisphere to get cold? We physically move away from the Sun! The air which was so warm and full of life suddenly turns frigid with decay. The world turns gray, the trees become naked, birds fly south, and I am left with a day that is significantly shorter than it was in June because the Sun is 47 degrees lower in the sky. Thus the Funk.

The Funk is a somewhat endearing name I've given to the mood I get into in the winter weather. You can try to tell me that snow is "wonderful" and the "cold is fantastic," but I promise I will glare at you. It is when I am caught in this most peculiar of moods that I feel like doing absolutely nothing and yet everything at the same time. I've tried to work my way out of the Funk with chocolate (delicious but ineffective, not to mention fattening), music (you'd think that would help), reading (maybe pulling myself into someone else's world would help?), jumping, dancing, cooking, praying, kissing, doing homework, singing, serving, and every other action you could think of. All to no avail.

This is my last resort: Blogging. I will admit that it is one thing I hadn't considered yet. However, with the snow that started to fall on my head this afternoon as I was trudging home from class, I needed a new outlet. This will hopefully be my answer to "Beating the Funk." And if it's not...well, I guess I'll just have to move to the equator and live in the sunshine all year round.
Dreaming of Sunshine,