Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year Weather-lutions 1.7.11

I know I haven't written in quite a while, but it isn't for lack of trying. Before I add my most recent funk thoughts, here are a few fragments of entries that were never posted:

When the Sun Shines Through 10.29.10
The beauty of October is that it is still considered Fall. Despite the Autumn cold snaps there are still beautiful, sunny, warm days that make the world a happy place again. Not to mention they put me in a much better mood. Take today for example. The high was a perfect 68 degrees, blue skies, sun a-shining, with no clouds for miles. Now that is my kind of day! I even wore flip-flops for the first time in quite a while.

Blustery Weather 11.17.10
Have you ever felt as if the wind was literally about to blow you off your feet? You know, the way all of the nannies are blown away in Mary Poppins just before Poppins shows up for the first time to respond to the wanted add? Or the way in commercials when a man has to hold onto a telephone pole to keep from skidding across the pavement a few hundred yards before hitting a building? I've only felt like that a few times, even coming from Florida and experiencing more than a few hurricanes, and one of those times was this afternoon.

Sometimes I'm amazed at the power the wind is able to muster--not to mention the mess it makes. The same wind that is sometimes a gentle summer breeze suddenly turns into a jet blast of cold air from somewhere beyond the mountains in the winter months. On days like today, no matter how many layers you wear, no matter how hard you try to avoid the piercing drafts, you will not escape the wind. It blows up left over fall leaves and spins them in devilish whirlwinds. It casts minuscule flecks of dirt and debris from who knows where into your eyes that make them water in pain. It plasters plastic, paper, clothing, and whatever else might happen to be around, to your body if it stands between you and the wind. And I promise it will blow your hair in every which way possible, causing horrible knots and tangles.

And now we may return to the present tense (January 2011). I had some interesting and rather unfortunately inconvenient experiences over the Christmas break causing serious travel delay problems for myself and my loved ones. Let's just say the East Coast isn't free of its own weather catastrophes every now and again. But we are in a new year, which means turning over a new leaf! Or at least it should. If I had the inclination, I might resolve to love the weather no matter the season, or perhaps I might try to turn my view around and love the snow and ice while learning to detest sunshine (HA! Never). . . Too bad I don't have the inclination.

So here I am, still working on the funk, though it seems to be hitting less frequently; that or I've just been so busy and preoccupied recently that I haven't had time to notice it. Either way, the entrance into a new year seems to have brought me better feelings all on its own. Maybe this odd year won't be so awful after all!
Missing my sunshine,

1 comment:

  1. I infer that you imply that years with an even number are better than years with an odd number. I find that odd.

    Odd years can be good! For one, they keep the even years separated, and it's good to keep some things separated.

    Of course, simultaneously and to even things out, the even years separate the odd ones. But then again, maybe it's not that even years are trying to get even, so much as that the odd years were feeling odd, and it's they who wanted to get even. It's hard to know for sure.

    For sure, odd numbers are odd. For example, it's odd that adding together an even number of odd numbers yields an even number, but adding together an odd number of odd numbers yields an odd number. Meanwhile, even numbers are more even: adding together either an even or an odd number of even numbers always yields an even number. That's rather odd.

    Odder, still, is that, even in even years, many things are odd. Oddest, however, is that, whether the year be even or odd, yet even when things are odd, they usually even out.

    An exception occurs, of course, for some really odd people. They probably should be separated, even from other odd ones - oddly enough, especially during the evenings, when they commonly are at odds even with other odd ones.

    Maybe they're just trying to get even for something they consider odd, such as always being treated oddly or always being treated as the odd ones out. Even then, though, the odd ones should probably be separated, if for no other reason than it helps separate the even ones, who come to think of it, are usually the really odd ones.
